Sapporo! I came, I saw, I shot...

DSC00983Sapporo Kanban
Originally uploaded by miezaris.
This must be one of the highlights in my stay in Japan. Sapporo (or Hokkaido in general) is the number one tourists' spot in Japan for both the locals and foreigners alike. Well, first I must get my conscious clear that I was there to attend Architectural Institute of Japan Researchers Conference in Hokkaido University, but as the pepatah Melayu says "sambil menyelam minum air", I managed to squeezed in sometime to visit the so-called landmarks in and around Sapporo.
From planning point of view Sapporo is a very well planned city complete with Roman grid road network, friendly pedestrians pathway, nice building facades and lots of greenery at sight. The famous Odori Park alone right in the heart of the city is 1.5km long!!
The best trip must be to the Sapporo Dome. Constructed to host the 2002 World Cup this is certainly an architectural object not to be missed among visitors to Sapporo.
4 days in Sapporo was too long for me and I really missed home (Fukuoka) a lot. The last day was quite apprehensive to me caused Typhoon No. 17 is approaching the city and my return flight was even delayed for about 2 hrs. My Ichiro was so worried and kept telling me not to take airplane (he saw on TV flights being cancelled) instead to take taxi back to Fukuoka. Well, I guess for about a 2300km journey from Sapporo to Fukuoka with a taxi, I would rather prefer to wait for my delayed flight. Any takers, anyone??
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